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The role of "Punishment" in dog training
As a dog trainer, I get questions every day about training techniques. My clients want to know when they should be rewarding, ignoring,...

Play after learning improves training performance in dogs!
A group of researchers recently set out to investigate the effects of play after training, and the results of their study (published...

Which foods are dangerous for dogs?
Take a look at this post to help identify which foods to keep out of your dog's reach! While not all dogs will have a reaction to all of...

Spare the Rod: How important are discipline and punishment?
Recently, more researchers have become interested in the science of dog training. With all of the different approaches to training, it's...

Dogs and Thanksgiving
Holidays can be a bit stressful, but doggy-stress doesn't have to be part of it! Here are some things to remember this Thanksgiving. Dogs...

Fear-Free vet visits!
* My own personal favorite tip is to wear scrubs or a white coat at home sometimes during training to create a positive association! *...

Woof vs Wolf: Why we need to STOP comparing dogs to wolves!
Current research suggests that dogs decended from a wolf-like ancestor (NOT the modern wolf as we know it) as far back as 34,000 years...

Debunking the "Alpha-Dog" Approach
Science has a lot to say about how people learn. Future teachers go through an extensive training process in which the best teaching...

Preventing dog bites in children
The best way to prevent bites is to teach your children safe ways to interact with your dog and other dogs. It's always best to supervise...

Do dogs laugh?
Dr. Stanley Coren says they do! CLICK HERE to read the article, in which he also explains how you can try the "dog laugh" on your dog!...
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